Friday, October 06, 2006

How Fear Affects My Actions, and What I Like and Don't Like About My Job

Ok, ok, so what exactly do I do that is a reaction to fear? Having just written an impassioned essay on the need to rid ourselves of irrational fear, one would think I could produce a long list of fear-induced activities of my own. Well, I'm having a hard time thinking of any. Yes, when I think of losing things I love then I am afraid. And that fear can be especially debilitating, as well as inhibiting. And sure, sometimes my actions towards those things can be seen as actions based on fear. I am aware (while purposely keeping the discussion vague) that acting out of fear in this regard is more harmful than useful, and I strive every day to allow passion free reign while letting going of fear.

Also, I suppose I work because I fear loosing the security of a steady income. And no, I definately wouldn't do the work I do if it weren't for the bi-weekly checks. I'd rather spend my time writing, researching, riding my bike, painting, drawing, reading, loving, exploring, etc, etc. While I can enjoy my work and find some fulfillment in it, I'm constantly mildly annoyed by my lack of freedom in the confines of a workplace.

Taking up the subject of my job. What do I enjoy about it? It would benefit me to increase those things, wouldn't it? Let's see, I like talking to people and having them experience something new and exciting. I enjoy watching customer's respond favorably to the information and enthusiasm I share with them. I can get excited when I think of how taking up cycling could change a person's life. I can share a customer's hope and anticipation of the fun experiences they will have on a bike I sell them. Also, I love bikes; I simply like being around new and beautiful creations. I'm excited about the idea of possibly stearing the evolution of the sport in a small way. My knowledge and assessment of the bikes available will result in the sale of a larger number of what I'd consider sensible, superior bikes, while stifling the sales of poor performing designs.

What I don't like about work is running out of things, dropping the ball, not being able to help people out because I'm too busy and we're understaffed, and not having time to creatively improve the showroom's appearance.


Blogger Jennifer said...

I think it's amazing that, when you create a list of those things that you love about your job and those things that you hate about your job, that the list of things you love are much more substantial than those that you hate. That, to me, in amazing. I fear that I am the opposite and this upsets me.

7:31 AM  
Blogger Josh said...

It in amazing to me too! hehe...
Jobs are jobs though, it is not normally the case that a person really really likes going to work. That's why we partay and fuck on the weekends! Anyway, don't feel to bad. Atleast you're a great employee who gets along with every sane person in the office, and who does a kick-ass job every frickin day. Plus, your hot. Knowing that has got to make going to work a little easier.

11:22 PM  

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