Friday, August 04, 2006

Life as a series of trying and accomplishing

[the following is the continuation of my transcribtion (nice word, eh?) of handwritten content from my pink coffee shop notebook to this blog. I've got to say, what I intended to address here is very important (how to use accomplishment for happiness as efficiently and effectively as possible...and to reveal any problems with the notion of accomplishment/goal orientation for aquisition of contentment...or something like that). However, my free form here got a little off track, I think. Here it is:]

So a person can choose to live life as a series of trying and accomplishing. One most likely would do so because it makes him/her happy; and as with everything that makes people happy, it is wise to give into it at some point...

If I were to deconstruct the reasons for why accomplishment makes people happy, could I simplify it to the point where "accomplishment" could be achieved without undo effort, or without wasted energy, or with greater pleasure...?

We are taught through positive reinforcement and observation that doing something of note is good. We are taught this from a very very young age. It is deeply ingrained in our personalities. However, we've all experienced great relaxation/pleasure/joy doing things that are not purpose oriented. What are those things? Well, it seems as though everything we do has the purpose of giving us more pleasure/joy... There is the potential for reward in everything we do. From achiving purpose for pleasure or gettingn a law degree for pride and money-and pleasure from pride and money.

The question is not should I live for a purpose; the questions are for my own purpose or for others' purposes? Religion says for others'--or the others is actually yous if only you knew what god knows.

The question is how do I go about accomplishing my goal. What specific purpose do I have,when all is said and done. There is a wiser, better way of accomplishing the goal--once the goal is accomplished, then what do you do? Can you expect more.

Intellectual stimulation. Contentment is a majoy goal-it is happiness... Happiness is contentment plus excitement/pleasure through physical/mental activity....


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