Friday, August 04, 2006

Analysis of Purpose

Hey there. So, I'm going to continue transcribing handwritten content from my pink notebook to this blog.

This next bit I titled "Analysis of Purpose". Beneath the title I provided a hierarchy of statements of purpose which imply intelligence. That hierarchy is such:

I have a calling
It is destiny
It was fate
I have a purpose
I have a reason to live
Why do I exist?

Yeah, and then I drew arrows from each statement to what I think it implies. Here you go:

I have a calling: God or a ruler or wiseman chose me to do something. There are qualities about me that make me worthy of special assignment. I am special. I am not worthless and my life is not without meaning.

It is destiny: A supreme being or power, in the beginning, foresaw and intended for this to happen. I am a part of the plan-a plan with or without purpose. A plan like a journey with a destination. {...Doesn't a journey have a purpose, like, to enjoy? Couldn't a journey's purpose be only to set events in motion? But could you divorce the will of the person with his day to day choices based on purpose (less pain, more enjoyment), from the course of events? He is a course of events... his is a part of it all. His will is no more than the changing of the wind or the rotation of the earth. All were set in motion, a supposed "journey" began, and it continues to this day witn no macro purpose. There are only micro purposes on the same level of the human mind.}

It was fate: It occured because it was meant to. It was meant to because someone decreed it to (and had power over everything) OR, It was meant to occur because all things were once set in motion, and all things necessarily follow.

I have a purpose: I have chosen to take up actions for achieving a specific goal; OR, I believe someone else has given me a purpose for whatever reason.

I have a reason to live: By simply living I am satisfying some need.

Why do I exist? I may or may not have a reason for existing, but I feel I do and want to know what it is.

Why? The action taken was taken w/ consideration of all possible action and possible consequences of those actions.

All implies intelligence. At the top of the hierarchy, supreme intelligence is implied, at the bottom, basic intelligence.
A concluding question: What is below "why" on the hierarchy? What's above it? Is it correct to even ask "why"?

-So, that is my "Analysis of Purpose". The less than expected result was an emphasis on intelligence: resembling faith in a supreme intelligene at the highest level of purpose, and being something akin to the easy assumption of a basic intelligence in the simple question "why?" I'll add that sometimes I've thought it either ignorant or presumptuous to believe that purpose lies behind everything, and to ask "why?" in such a way that a working will or human mind is implied.


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